Just a little update

Time for another update! A couple things happened simultaneously. First, I haven’t actually been to new church since the Quakers. Second my blog application quit working from my computer. So I would normally be keeping up with some other thoughtful posts on religion and Christianity, but I haven’t been able to easily. At the very least I plan a long book review soon. Hopefully I can get that posted up in the next week or so.

3 Replies to “Just a little update”

  1. Hi Tracey! I have been reading Neil Douglas-Klotz, Prayers of the Cosmos, and have now started reading his The Hidden Gospels. He translates King James phrases or the Peshite Aramaic phrases into English, with the worldview and language that a native Aramaic speaker like Jesus would have used. In Aramaic, one word can have many meanings, making Jesus’s words multi-faceted. Neil sees the unity from which Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have sprung. And he sees hope for these three religions to recognize their common roots. Anyway, see you around, perhaps! Sheree (Albany Friends Meeting, aka Quakers)

    1. Hey! It has been some time since my phone (which is my primary computer) has been able to handle posting things. I plan to post something new and potentially a life update as well. For now I’ll say things are great and different and very busy. I’m doing good 🙂

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