Church #66, Friends Meeting in Albany (Quaker)

Date: 11/9/14

Church name/type: Friends Meeting in Albany, Quakers

Pastor: the unique style of the meeting doesn’t seem to require a pastor

Style of worship:
Well, they sit, mostly quietly for about an hour. No, for real. And it actually wasn’t too bad. It’s a time for listening to see if God is going to speak to us. If anyone has a message they consider good for sharing they share aloud.

These were the messages this week:
1) Someone spoke about feeling welcome and having been given coffee that was exactly the way she liked it. This really seemed to have made her happy.
2) Another person said some remarks the Pope made were along the lines of God having given up some of his power in creating us. Some of the power is in us.
I tried to look up these remarks for reference but was unable to find them. The Pope says a lot of things I guess.
3) A visiting Quaker Friend? Quaker?….anyway, a visitor felt led to make the effort to find a local Friends Meeting and things just seemed to fall into place allowing her to be here on time.
4) One person observed that it’s amazing we are in what’s called the ‘goldilocks zone’ where life is possible.

After approximately an hour we all greeted each other then there was sharing of announcements as well as the standard joys and concerns. I stayed a long time talking with members of the congregation about different things.

I guess I really liked it. I say I guess because I can’t figure out why I liked it so much. It’s difficult to sit mostly still and quiet for an hour. But then again, I often like things that are a little difficult. It makes me feel like I’m accomplishing something worthwhile. I’m drawn to the fact that Quakers don’t have much doctrine going on. They seem to believe that God speaks to (or potentially speaks to) everyone equally. This is nice. I’m going to have to learn more and probably write more.

3 Replies to “Church #66, Friends Meeting in Albany (Quaker)”

  1. So glad you’re feeling positive about the Meeting – I really enjoyed visiting with you, Tracey. Your blog entries are fascinating – I’m going through them a few at a time. Hope to see you again!

  2. Hi Tracey! I am impressed with your journey! Good talking with you today after Quaker worship. I could not find the online blog of the Texas woman who was visiting a different faith each week. Here is the Albany Baha’is site:
    Our website has more on Quakers: Here is a tidbit from it:

    Seekers Welcome

    In our Meeting for Worship are many former Methodists, Catholics, Baptists and Jews, as well as many other religious groups and denominations. Some have had no religious upbringing. Others have previously experienced religious alienation. Consequently we have a wide range of religious thinking within our Meeting.

    Albany Friends Meeting invites and welcomes all seekers of the Light to participate in the life of our Meeting. We are blessed that Meeting members and attenders
    come from many religious traditions. We honor both Christian and Universalist Friends. We value both liberal and orthodox religious practitioners. We treasure both reasoned and intuitive religious insight. We respect both intellectual and
    mystical approaches to truth.

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