So I’m going through my list of churches and correcting it. I have added several churches and cancelled several churches. The additions are those churches not in the phone book from last year. It seems the phone book also categorizes certain no-longer-functioning churches as churches. This is especially true of Catholic churches. I’m finding many instances where a church had to merge with another church. It’s a weird feeling seeing all these old parishes gone and wondering about their membership. Because these are Catholic churches I presume the closures were not because of dwindling membership but probably lack of priests. That’s been a problem in Catholic churches for more than a few years. Here are the churches that seem to have merged:
Our Lady Help of Christians
Web searches for this church lead either to the Cathedral or to the still extant cemetery called Our Lady Help Christians. A found a source suggesting this church used the building in the South End area on the corner of Second Avenue and Krank Street. I drove by this building and it’s clear someone is using this building as a church. There is a sign advertising church at 4pm. This probably means another group took the building and is either renting or bought it.
St John’s and St Ann’s
Due to the already joint name, it seems this church represented two joined parishes which then merged with another parish. All signs on the internet point to the merge location as St Francis of Assisi South End.
As usual I welcome any better information readers out there might have on these closed churches. Just leave a comment.